Behaviour change
A Weight off Your Mind

What is the project about?
This research involves an evaluation of one element of the 'A Weight Off Your Mind' (AWoYM) intervention that is currently being implemented in two NHS mental health and learning disability Trusts in North East England. AWoYM focuses on maintenance of a healthy lifestyle and weight management and is delivered to people with mental illness and/or learning disabilities.
What does this involve?
The aim of this research is to undertake a process evaluation of the Nutritional Body Mass Index Clinical Link Pathway (NBMI CLiP). This focuses on early identification of those at medium-to-high risk of obesity, as well as encouraging those using the service to take control of their own weight management plan by choosing changes that they think will be beneficial for them. The Pathway is one element of the AWoYM intervention, currently underway in Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV).
What is currently happening?
'A Weight Off Your Mind' is currently in its third year, having launched in January 2018.
What does this research want to achieve?
We want to understand how the NBMI CLiP is used, to understand staff feedback on the Pathway for supporting service users with mental illness and/or learning disabilities to manage their weight, and to make recommendations to support future practice.
Who will find the results useful?
Anyone involved in designing and commissioning health promotion, behaviour change, and interventions for people with mental illness and/or learning disabilities.
What is one key aspect of this research?
The lifestyle intervention has been co-designed with service users. A great deal of insight work has been undertaken to design AWoYM to ensure it is fit-for-purpose and useful to service users.
Who is conducting the research?
The research is led by Dr Emma Giles, Dr Lauren Bussey (Teesside University) and Jo Smith (Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust).
Who funded this study?
NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) for the North East and North Cumbria (NENC).
For more information please
Email: Emma Giles,
Last modified: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 17:02:23 GMT